Mandibular dysfunction
Many people suffer from the joint that connects the jaw with the skull, called the temporomandibular joint or TMJ.
Clinically it translates into some of these symptoms: headache and neck pain, ear pain, migraines, difficulty in chewing and even in speech. Joint sounds can also be a sign of dysfunction of this joint, especially if appears suddenly.
Tension and stress are usually the triggering factors and can be aggravated if the patient also suffers from malocclusion, that is, malposition of the teeth that does not allow a good fit of the teeth.
The treatment of dysfunction is multidisciplinary work between a physiotherapist specialized in facial pain, together with a dentist and sometimes a maxillofacial surgeon. Anna Raventós, our physiotherapist, has spent years studying and working on this pathology so complex and so exciting to restore function and, above all, well-being to our patients.
If you think you have joint dysfunction make an appointment. We will make a first study visit and functional exploration in order to diagnose and advise you on the most appropriate treatment.
We will be happy to assist you
What are the most common symptoms?
The expression of this pathology can be very broad and not very specific, but the most frequent symptoms and signs observed in mandibular dysfunction (TMJ) are the following:
- Tensión de los músculos asociados a la masticación
- Inflamación y dolor preauricular que puede irradiar hacia el oído, el ojo o hacia el cuello
- Sensación de rigidez en el cuello
- Zumbidos en los oídos
- Chasquidos al abrir la boca
- Dolor de cabeza
- Levantarse de forma habitual con la mandíbula dolorida
El desgaste de los dientes no es un signo explícito de disfunción articular pero muchas veces nos indica que una de las causas a tratar es el bruxismo.
Es posible que algunos afectados no tengan ninguno de estos síntomas o los tengan de forma tan leve que no hayan sido descubiertos por el paciente en sí. Son más evidentes en casos algo más graves en que la disfunción ha llegado a dificultar el habla de forma llamativa, complicar la masticación normal de alimentos o ser la causa de alteraciones en la vista o el oído.
Por tanto, no son problemas de salud dental únicamente, es algo mucho más complejo que hay que tratar en la mayor brevedad posible y con las terapias más personalizadas posibles.
How can our physical therapist help you?
Through different Osteopathic work sessions, Myofascial Therapy, somatic education and techniques of global postural integration and movement, we will correct the global function of the TMJ, as well as the ability to reduce Orofacial pain, headaches and even cranio-cervical pain, reducing the mechanical friction that wears the articular meniscus and the temporomandibular joint itself, balancing the tensions in the skull and mouth, favoring healthy processes of chewing movements, phonation and ultimately promoting oral health.
Many times we need coadyugant treatment with discharge splints, which are acrylic prostheses, preferably for night use, or/and propose some type of correction of dental malocclusion to improve the situation and regain the lost balance.
As a last resort, in highly compromised situations of chronic pain, our maxillofacial can propose some type of palliative surgical intervention.