
Minimally invasive general dentistry

Everything your mouth needs to be in top form:
dental hygiene, fillings, reconstructions, endodontics… in the hands of professionals who know the value of maintaining a healthy mouth


Pain is the main cause of a visit to the dentist and is often caused by the dental nerve (pulp) that is inflamed due to deep caries, a periodontal problem, trauma or occlusal overload.

When this inflammation is irreversible, the nerve cavity should be cleaned, disinfected, and sealed to prevent reinfection. This treatment is known as “nerve killing” or endodontics and is a rescue treatment to keep the tooth functional and asymptomatic.

Aesthetic modeling with resin

Today’s resins or composites, in addition to being a restorative material for caries, can be a great and inexpensive alternative to ceramics. The latest generation adhesion and its mimicry and cleaning characteristics allow us to solve minor aesthetic problems by minimally touching the original enamel and in a single appointment.

We use aesthetic nano-fill composites, which are added in layers on the tooth surface. For each layer, the appropriate shade of composite is selected and modeled by hand with spatulas and brushes, thus obtaining teeth with the desired shape and color.

Are stable techniques over time but of less durability than ceramic or porcelain.
It needs maintenance by the dentist who will decide if a composite needs to be repeated over time.


Inlays are the evolution of traditional covers when we think of minimal intervention dentistry.

On the one hand it give us the necessary integrity to avoid fractures and on the other hand it strengthens the treated teeth, all with minimal wear or preparation of enamel and dentin.

If we add the latest digital technologies we achieve maximum quality results with perfect adjustments and maintained over time.

Caries Treatment

Caries is an infectious disease that affects the hard tissues of the tooth, enamel, dentin and root cement, and when it progresses further, it’s capable of completely destroying the tooth, invading the dental pulp and causing infections of nearby tissues, such as bone. maxilla and soft tissues of the face, giving rise to phlegmons.

When caries invades the pulp, it becomes inflamed, leading to acute pulpitis, the well-known toothache, a pain so intense that it becomes unbearable. Although caries is an infectious disease caused by bacteria, other factors, such as weak and poorly mineralized teeth and a highly acidic oral environment, must converge for it to progress.

It’s convenient to periodically check the mouth to detect caries when it are still small and their repair is simple and at an affordable price.

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